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All Souls' Parish has a longstanding tradition of celebration. We celebrate major feast days throughout the year with Solemn Choral Eucharists. In addition, we have a few favorite celebrations (worship and fellowship alike) that are hallmarks of our congregational life.
ALL SOULS' DAY: For our Festival of Title, we celebrate a Requiem Mass (Holy Eucharist remembering All the faithful departed) followed by a rousing potluck featuring our diverse cultural traditions.
ADVENT: Throughout the four weeks of Advent, the parish prepares for the birth of Christ by preparing Advent wreaths. We also have a tradition of welcoming a visit from St. Nicholas (Bishop of Myra), who presents children of all ages with handmade St. Nicholas gingerbread spice cookies.
CHRISTMAS: One of the Church's biggest celebrations is also a parish favorite. Family and friends gather on Christmas Eve as we celebrate three magnificent Eucharist services. We also celebrate a Christmas Morning Eucharist.
SHROVE TUESDAY: Our men's group, The Brotherhood, sponsors a Mardi-Gras type pancake dinner with pancake-flipping races. The evening concludes with the final singing of "Alleluia" and burial of the Alleluia banner in the columbarium and burning of previous year's Palms in preparation for Ash Wednesday.
LENT: We celebrate this season of reflection with soup-suppers and presentation of and conversation about a topic chosen by the adult formation committee.
EASTER VIGIL: On Easter Eve, All Souls' holds one of its biggest services which dates back to the 4th century. Together we recount God's saving acts through history and we rejoice and celebrate our risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
EASTER DAY: Come early to get a spot on the first floor! A flowering of the Cross precedes the service, with an on-site Easter Egg hunt for children after church.
PENTECOST: On the 50th day of Easter, we celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit by wearing the colors of fire to worship, and receiving prayers on the wind before gathering for a parish picnic.
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